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13 April 2023

Laravel 9 Features & What’s About To Come!

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Laravel, the popular PHP framework, has been continuously evolving with new features and improvements since its first release in 2011. With the upcoming release of Laravel 9, developers can expect even more enhancements and changes to make their coding experience smoother and more efficient. Here are some of the new features that are expected to be included in Laravel 9:

1.Removal of Illuminate/View/Factory

One of the biggest changes in Laravel 9 is the removal of Illuminate/View/Factory. This class was used to create view instances in previous versions of Laravel, but it has now been replaced with a simpler View class.

2.Automatic Binding Resolution

In Laravel 9, the framework will automatically resolve bindings for controller methods. This means that developers will no longer need to manually specify dependencies in the controller's constructor, making it easier to write and maintain code.

3. Route Model Binding Improvements

Laravel 9 will include improvements to route model binding, which will make it easier to bind route parameters to Eloquent models. Developers will be able to specify the relationship between models more easily, making it simpler to work with related data.

4.New Carbon 3.0 Package

Laravel 9 will include the latest version of the Carbon package, which provides an easy way to work with dates and times in PHP. The new version includes several improvements, such as better support for time zones and improved performance.

5.Improved Error Pages

Laravel 9 will feature improved error pages, which will make it easier to diagnose and fix issues in your application. The new error pages will include more detailed information about the error, including a stack trace, making it easier to pinpoint the problem.

6.Removal of Legacy Code

Laravel 9 will also remove some of the legacy code that has been deprecated in previous versions. This will help to keep the framework lean and efficient, while also making it easier to maintain and update in the future.

In addition to these features, there are also several other improvements and changes that are expected to be included in Laravel 9. With these enhancements, developers can expect to have an even better experience when working with Laravel, making it one of the most popular PHP frameworks for years to come.

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